kenny garrett Beyond the Wall 2006 [rapidshare/jazz/mp3 download]

For his debut, Beyond The Wall, Garrett is joined by vibraphone great Bobby Hutcherson and tenor saxophonist legend Pharoah Sanders, whith whom Garrett has been performing over the last year before rapt audiences. Along with bassist Robert Hurst III, pianist Mulgrew Miller, drummer Brian Blade, and percussionist Ruggerio Boccato, they deliver a hypnotic set, recorded in Manhattan and inspired by Garrett's 3-week visit to China in December 2005. Without words, Garrett powerfully recounts a spiritual as well as geographical journey; its contemplative moments are counterbalanced by outbursts of instrumental fire, especially on the climactic "May Peace Be Upon Them", which comes across as both a fervent wish and an anguished cry.
Track listings
1. Calling
2. Beyond The Wall
3. Qing Wen
4. Realization (Marching Toward The Light
5. Tsunami Song
6. Kiss to the Skies
7. NOW
8. Gwoka
9. May Peace Be Upon Them
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Labels: download, jazz, mp3, rapidshare
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